West Pasadena Residents’ Association

Who are we?

Founded in 1962, the West Pasadena Residents’ Association is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to maintaining the character of our community and enhancing the quality of life in west Pasadena.

What is our challenge as an organization?

Growth is inevitable. Change is inevitable. How do we manage that while maintaining the history and integrity of our community?

We do that with…

62 years of community engagement

We’ve had much success. Click the pictures below to read 10 significant WPRA achievements.

Vista Arroyo Hotel & Bungalows 1959-2002
Maintaining the Integrity of Our Neighborhoods 1960-2020
WPRA Community Surveys 1961 – 2017
The Arroyo Seco 1979 – 2020
Save the Trees and Open Spaces 1981-2019
Save San Rafael Elementary School 1988 – 2016
Caltrans & Metro’s Push To Build The SR710 Tunnels 1989 – 2019
Ambassador Campus Development 1992 – 2014
Stop The NFL From Moving To The Rose Bowl 2003 – 2016
Pasadena’s Central District Planning & Civic Center 2004 – 2020
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Vista Arroyo Hotel & Bungalows 1959-2002
Maintaining the Integrity of Our Neighborhoods 1960-2020
WPRA Community Surveys 1961 – 2017
The Arroyo Seco 1979 – 2020
Save the Trees and Open Spaces 1981-2019
Save San Rafael Elementary School 1988 – 2016
Caltrans & Metro’s Push To Build The SR710 Tunnels 1989 – 2019
Ambassador Campus Development 1992 – 2014
Stop The NFL From Moving To The Rose Bowl 2003 – 2016
Pasadena’s Central District Planning & Civic Center 2004 – 2020
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Or view a chronology of the WPRA history:

Our Focus

Pasadena Traffic

Pasadena Traffic

- Track cumulative traffic effects and congestion of new local development
- Educate the public about the new measurements of vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled
- Monitor the “Complete Streets model” – all modes of transportation sharing the same road

Building Design

Building Design

- Track contextual fit and massing of new homes and remodels according to zoning ordinances
- Press to maintain neighborhood residential and commercial building compatibility

- Fight against “mansionization” – a house too big or out of character with surrounding homes

City Density

City Density

- Press to keep a balanced and managed growth
- Call to action for san equitable distribution of all type of housing
- Campaign for careful regulation and enforcement of zoning ordinances

Historic Preservation

Historic Preservation

- Strive to save specific landmark homes from demolition
- Participate with the designation and caring for historic neighborhoods

- Demand the enforcement of historical and preservation codes

Parks And Open Spaces

Parks And Open Spaces

- Secure the Arroyo Seco as a natural environment
- Lobby to protect and preserve our current open spaces and urban forest
- Press for the acquisition of additional green spaces and parks

WPRA Information Channels for City Issues and Projects

WPRA Information Channels for City Issues and Projects

- Disseminate local planning and regulation issues
- Explain pending state regulation changes that affect Pasadena
- Stage presentations for public panel discussions and debates

710 Freeway Stub (The Vacant Dug Out Ravine)

710 Freeway Stub (The Vacant Dug Out Ravine)

Recover the west Pasadena land taken by Caltrans
Push for balanced and wise development of that 52 acres
Participate with the development for possible transit hub at Walnut and Fair Oaks

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How does the WPRA communicate with you?


The Neighborhood Alert reports current projects in need of immediate attention.


WPRA publishes The News, a quarterly publication delivered by postal mail.


Panel discussions address community issues relevant to Pasadena.

Why Support the WPRA?

Because Empowerment is the heartbeat of the WPRA.

West Pasadena Residents’ Association amplifies the voices of west Pasadenans. As a group of volunteers with a 60-year track record, we strive to guide and shape change and, as a result, enhance residents’ quality of life.

Get in Touch