Online though Zoom – November 17, 2020

PASADENA AND DISASTERS – Just before and just after
On November 17, 2020, the West Pasadena Residents’ Association hosted its annual open meeting, a webinar featuring a presentation of special guests, our president’s message, the election of incoming officers and directors, then culminating with our informational panel discussion about disaster preparedness.

Avram Gold, WPRA vice president, opened the program with a welcome to all and the introduction of: (from left to right) Mayor Terry Tornek, Mayor-elect Victor Gordo, Councilmember Steve Madison, and our 28th District Congressman, Adam Schiff.
Mayor Tornek, Mayor-elect Gordo, Councilmember Madison and Congressman Schiff each conveyed statements and information to our attendees.
Mr. Gold conducted the on-line voting process of our next WPRA officers and board members. WPRA’s attending residents elected unanimously: Dan Beal, president – Evan Davis, Administrative Vice President – Avram Gold, Communications Vice President – Blaine Cavena, Treasurer, and Kenyon Harbison, secretary. Our continuing Board of Directors became: Geoffrey Baum, David Bise, Bill Christian, Peter Ewing, Mic Hansen, Joan Hearst, Susan Kinney, Nancy Walker and Linda Zinn.
WPRA President, Dan Beal, then delivered his annual message.

Kenyon Harbison, past WPRA president and newly elected secretary, introduced the evening’s expert panelists for the disaster preparedness program. The speakers were, from left to right: Pasadena Fire Chief, Bryan Frieders – Pasadena Public Information Officer, Lisa Derderian – Huntington Hospital Disaster Program Manager, Jennifer Waldron and Pasadena Police Lieutenant, Johnny Mercado (image unavailable).
Blaine Cavena, WPRA’s treasure, served as an excellent technical director featuring speakers in the full screen while controlling audio feeds.

After presentations followed by questions and answers, our program ended promptly at 8:00 PM.