1959 – The Proto WPRA — Marge Weller and Becky Wheeler created a neighborhood group to stop the US Army from turning the Vista del Arroyo Hotel into a recruiting center.
1978 – WPRA formed a committee to follow the development of the Vista del Arroyo site.

1979 – The WPRA promoted the restoration of Vista del Arroyo Hotel to serve as U.S. Court of appeals.
1985 – WPRA established a sub-committee on the potential renovation of the Vista Del Arroyo bungalow properties.
1987 – Supported General Service Administration proposal to convert Arroyo del Vista bungalows, which were deteriorating, for use as a legal research center.
1993 – WPRA supported Pasadena Heritage’s campaign to save the bungalows around the Vista del Arroyo.
1994 – Noted that three of the Vista del Arroyo bungalows would be demolished. Originally, 17 bungalows surrounded the hotel. Eight were sold to private individuals, two had already been demolished and four were being renovated for use as the campus of the Western Justice Center.

2002 – The WPRA participated in the public review process of and supported the plan for the renovation of the Vista del Arroyo bungalows, which had gradually deteriorated since the mid-1940s and sold in 1980 to private owners, who, as Grand Vista Partners, proposed to restore the eight existing bungalows and convert them into 16 units. GVP also was granted permission to construct three new buildings with an additional 29 units.