The West Pasadena Residents’ Association has identified several elements of the DEIR that we believe have serious legal issues and are potentially flawed or unacceptable.
WPRA Advocacy: The West Pasadena Residents’ Association has taken positions on matters and written letters to various government agencies.
Most recent at the top. Scroll down for previous letters.
Letter to Keith Hala regarding Hahamangna SE Entrance Project
The County ‘s recommendations are not authorized by the Hahamonga Master Plan. There should be no approvals for any additional changes until the entire project can be brought into compliance with the HWPMP and the Design Plan for the Arroyo Seco.
WPRA-Ltr-Hahamangna-SE-Entrance-Project-2-14-22Letter to City Council regarding Huntington Hospital Medical Office Building
WPRA has concerns about the overall design of the building and are taking no position on the project itself. WPRA urges earlier engagement in the future.
2022_1_12-WPRA-Letter-Huntington-MOB-CouncilWPRA Letter to Planning Commission regarding CDSP Study Session
The WPRA offers suggestions and comments to the Planning Commission about the Central District Specific Plan’s (CDSP) update & revisions
2021_12_08-WPRA-Ltr-CDSP-Study-SessionWPRA’s letter supporting City’s SB9 Interim Ordinance
The WPRA strongly urges City Council to approve the recommendations of the Planning and Community Development Department report of 12/6/2021, which would enact an Interim Urgency Ordinance in response to Senate Bill 9.