This page provides a link to and summary of the many letters the WPRA Board has written to express its points of view on critical topics. Click any headline to go to that letter. Use your browser’s search command to find keywords on this page. Click any letter heading to go to that specific letter.
WPRA advocates for abolishing Planned Developments The City Council voted unanimously to abolish Planned Developments at their February 27, 2023 meeting. The WPRA has advocated for this position for some time, and outlined the issues in our Fall 2021 newsletter.
WPRA raises concerns about mini golf and driving range expansion at Brookside Golf Course While the WPRA understands the Rose Bowl’s need to increase revenue, we can’t support the proposal without a strong business case. Further, the Rose Bowl’s approach to performing a CEQA study absent a real plan evades the real intent of CEQA while also minimizing residents’ concerns.
WPRA encourages Housing Element Policies WPRA acknowledges there is a need for additional housing in Pasadena, especially affordable housing followed by a list of suggestions and support for ongoing policies.
WPRA supports Pasadena’s revised Local Mobility Analysis WPRA supports the revised Local Mobility Analysis process and thanks the participants whose hard work accomplished this important result.
WPRA supports the Van de Kamp house as a Pasadena landmark WPRA strongly supports the staff recommendation for the residence located at 801 South San Rafael Avenue to be designated as a City of Pasadena Landmark, the former home of John Van de Kamp.
WPRA’s letter to Planning regarding the Affinity Project DEIR The West Pasadena Residents’ Association has identified several elements of the DEIR that we believe have serious legal issues and are potentially flawed or unacceptable.
Letter to Keith Hala regarding Hahamangna SE Entrance Project The County ‘s recommendations are not authorized by the Hahamonga Master Plan. There should be no approvals for any additional changes until the entire project can be brought into compliance with the HWPMP and the Design Plan for the Arroyo Seco.
Letter to City Council regarding Huntington Hospital Medical Office Building WPRA has concerns about the overall design of the building and are taking no position on the project itself. WPRA urges earlier engagement in the future.
WPRA Letter to Planning Commission regarding CDSP Study Session The WPRA offers suggestions and comments to the Planning Commission about the Central District Specific Plan’s (CDSP) update & revisions
WPRA’s letter supporting City’s SB9 Interim Ordinance The WPRA strongly urges City Council to approve the recommendations of the Planning and Community Development Department report of 12/6/2021, which would enact an Interim Urgency Ordinance in response to Senate Bill 9.
WPRA Letter regarding Huntington Hospital’s CUP 6918 WPRA requests a continuance on Huntington Hospital’s Conditional Use Permit #6918 for the construction of its medical building at 758-766 S. Fair Oaks Avenue.
WPRA Letter to the Planning Commission regarding the SB 9 Study Session WPRA Supports the Interim Development Standards in Response to SB9 (regarding lot splits and duplex construction in RS zones) and endorses the letter submitted by the Linda Vista-Annandale Association.
WPRA recommends 801 San Rafael as a landmark The West Pasadena Residents’ Association fully endorses the nomination of John Van de Kamp’s home as a historical landmark.
WPRA City Housing Element Update Policies WPRA acknowledges the need for additional housing, especially affordable housing, so that people and families of all income levels can live in Pasadena. Affordable housing should be the primary focus.
WPRA Redistricting “Community of Interest” Letter WPRA contends, if any minor adjustments to the current CD 6 boundaries are made pursuant to population shifts, they should be made in the eastern portion of District 6, and in no case west of Fair Oaks Avenue.
WPRA Lettre to Pasadena Planning Department regarding the Affinity Project The WPRA contends that the drafting of an EIR for the Affinity Project is premature and will not be acceptable until the developers define and commit to the use of Building A.
Pasadena Housing Draft Element – WPRA Letter to Council WPRA’s comments on the July 14, 2021 Draft Housing Element – WPRA considers this draft to be an overall good start to a difficult task, one that provides a platform for further engagement and revision. We list 7 key points of focus & 3 appendixes.
WPRA Letter to Assembly Member Holden opposing SB 10 The West Pasadena Residents’ Association strongly opposes SB 10as an excessive, misguided and fatally flawed attempt to pre-empt local determinations on land use.
The WPRA Letter to Mayor Gordo about the Colorado Street Bridge Barriers The WPRA requests that the City delay implementation of the current options for suicide-deterring Vertical Barrier Enhancements to the Colorado Street Bridge, and continue to conduct an in-depth review of alternatives, including any technologies that could replace the physical barriers, or enhance a reduced height of those barriers.
WPRA Letter to State Housing Committee Opposing SB10 The West Pasadena Residents’ Association strongly opposes SB 10as an excessive, misguided and fatally flawed attempt to pre-empt local determinations on land use. SB 10 would require cities to approve construction of up to 10-unit market-rate residential buildings on almost any parcel of land.
WPRA Letter to State Housing Committee Opposing SB9 SB 9 is not an equity bill. It is the exact opposite. Its emphasis on expensive market rate construction would constitute an unprecedented and destabilizing attack on 7 million California single-family households with 20 million residents—white, Black, Latino and Asian—at all income levels.
WPRA Letter of Support for Holden’s bill AB 768 The WPRA supportsAssembly Bill 768 by Chris Holden “School Safety: Aquatic and Pool Safety Program: Model Policy” – would require state agencies to develop model swimming pool and waterway policy and programs for use by local educational agencies and other organizations
WPRA Letter to State Housing Committee Supporting SB 15 The WPRA supports Senate Bill 15, which would incentivize local governments to rezone idle big-box retail and commercial shopping centers for housing by providing grants based on the sales and use tax revenue that had been generated by those sites.
WPRA strongly opposes SB 10, Letter sent to state committees WPRA letter opposing SB 10 sent to Senate Environmental Quality Committee, Housing Committee, Governance & Finance Committee, Cassidy Denny (& Weiner). SB 10 as an excessive, misguided and fatally flawed attempt to preempt local land use control.
WPRA Letter to Portantino opposing SB 9 WPRA strongly opposes SB 9 which will allow up to 8 dwelling units on a lot originally zoned for a single family house
To Anita Cerna, Senior Planner, So Fair Oaks Specific Plan WPRA recommends adjustments to guarantee tree maintenance, density & height reductions of residential units, widening the paseos & deign compatibility
Joint Letter to Council regarding RHNA Appeal Linda Vista-Annandale Association, Madison Heights Neighborhood Association & WPRA continue to support Pasadena appealing the SCAG draft 2021-2029 RHNA allocation resulting in an untenable number of out-of-scale, out-of-character, dense, large buildings with related traffic and other infrastructure impacts.
WPRA Mansionization Letter to Council & Planning WPRA advises Mayor Tornek, Council (& Planning) for Phase 2 of the “Mansionization” Zoning Code Amendment stating very specific suggestions & potential guidelines
RHNA Joint Ltr. to T. Tornek & Council WPRA, MHNA, LVNA requests that Pasadena oppose the SCAG draft 2021-2029 RHNA allocation and act to appeal the allocation
LVAA MHRA & WPRA Ltr. to Planning Commission about RHNA Appeal Request that the Planning Commission urge the city of Pasadena to oppose the SCAG draft 2021-2029 RHNA allocation and to appeal the allocation
WPRA Mansionization Ltr. To Felicia Williams & Planning Commission – Mansionization Phase 2: Zoning Code Amendment: Single Family Residential Development Standards
WPRA comments Arroyo Canyon Project DEIR To Elisa Ventura, Pasadena Water & Power – WPRA opposes the Arroyo Seco Canyon Project DEIR with spreading basins & proposes alternatives
WPRA Comments Lower Arroyo Habitat Restoration To Hayden Melbourne, Engineer of Pasadena Public Works asking that the review for the Lower Arroyo Habitat Restoration Plan be extended for public participation & disapproval of the process and project direction
WPRA opposes Cal. Blvd. Goldline overpass WPRA asks Steve Mermell to reconsider building the Goldline overpass at California and Arroyo and instead use funding for other projects like 710 ditch development
WPRA Letter Regarding Desiderio Park WPRA asks that Hayden Melbourn and Public Works abandon plans to build and place large canopies over playground equipment in Desiderio Park
WPRA letter to CA Senator Portantino regarding AB29 West Pasadena Residents’ Association Requests Approval of AB 29 and the removal of State Route 710 from the Streets and Highways Code
Letter to City Council endorsing Staff's IHO changes Regarding Public Hearing item #11: Zoning Code Amendments relating to Inclusionary Housing and Affordable Housing Concession Menu and Adjustments to Inclusionary In-lieu Fee Rates
WPRA letter zoning amendments for IHR & affordable housing WPRA letter to Planning Department supporting staff’s proposals for zoning code amendments to update inclusionary housing requirements and establish an affordable housing concession menu
WPRA requests public hearings on inclusionary housing requirements be continued WPRA requests the Commission’s deliberations and the public hearing on inclusionary housing requirements and an affordable housing concession menu be continued to a future date
To Darth Damrath, WPRA response to the SR-710 FEIR/FEIS To Darth Damrath, Chief Environmental Planner at LA Dept. of Transportation – WPRA response to the SR-710 FEIR/FEIS
WPRA supports Council’s review of the Desiderio Park design and restroom WPRA supports efforts to call for Council review the Desiderio Park design, restroom and funding issues
710 FEIR/FEIS – no tunnel alternative To CA State Transportation Agency, CA Dept. of Transportation, CA Dept. of Transportation District 7 - the 710 North project FEIR/FEIS should not include discussion of the tunnel alternative in any way
WPRA wants the Desiderio public toilet’s location be carefully evaluated WPRA requests that the Desiderio public toilet’s location be carefully evaluated and the final placement be the least intrusive and most safe for its neighbors and users alike
To Kelly Ewinag-Toledo, WPRA supports the TSM/TDM as the preferred alternative To Kelly Ewinag-Toledo, Caltrans District 7 – WPRA supports the selection of TSM/TDM as the preferred alternative but advises to change “preferred alternative” to “the project”
WPRA accepts the Art Center Master Plan with the exception of the digital sign WPRA accepts the Art Center Master Plan and the certification of the EIR, with the exception of the proposed digital sign and opposes any zoning signage amendments that allow the sign
To Dept. of Transportation, Caltrans District 7 – the SR-710 North Study FRDEIR/SDEIS is deficient To Dept. of Transportation, Caltrans District 7 – WPRA reviews and responds to the SR-710 North Study FRDEIR/SDEIS – report is deficient
WPRA expands policy about Civic Center development while maintaining 107′ setback from Garfield WPRA expands policy about the Civic Center development and advises guidelines – maintain 107' setback from Garfield
WPRA opposes the proposed Art Center digital display To the Planning Dept. – WPRA believes that the proposed Art Center digital display would adversely affect public safety, would be aesthetically inappropriate and corrupt signage codes for the rest of Pasadena
To Design Commission, WPRA opposes the Desiderio Park restroom To the Design Commission – WPRA advises against the intended plans for the Desiderio restroom
To Dr. Lori Morgan, CEO, Huntington Memorial Hospital – WPRA approves the revised west annex design To Dr. Lori Morgan, Chief Executive Officer, Huntington Memorial Hospital - WPRA approves the revised two-building west annex design of lower profiles
To Kelly Ewing-Toledo, WPRA comments on SR-710 North Study: Finding of Adverse Effects To Kelly Ewing-Toledo, Historic Resources Coordinator, Caltrans District 7 – WPRA comments on the SR-710 North Study: Finding of Adverse Effects
WPRA comments on Arroyo Advisory Group recommendations WPRA comments on the Arroyo Advisory Group recommendations and adds suggestions and of its own
WPRA Requests SR710 FOAE Review Extension To Kelly Ewing-Toledo in Caltrans District 7 explaining that the SR-710 North Study FOAE extension is still not enough time for review and at least 90 days
WPRA expresses concern about Caltrans properties along the 710 extension corridor WPRA expresses concern about the state of the Caltrans properties along the 710 extension corridor and its apparent attempt to depopulate the corridor of its low to moderate income tenants
To Kathryn Barger, WPRA wants less aggressive sediment removal behind Devil’s Gate Dam To Kathryn Barger, LA County Supervisor for 5th District – WPRA supports a slower, less aggressive alternative to sediment removal behind the Devil’s Gate Dam
WPRA wants regulation of short-term rentals WPRA believes the City should carefully regulate short-term rentals to maintain the character of our residential areas
WPRA supports the approval of the SR-710 North Study Bill, AB 287, with modifications To LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board, CA State Assembly Transportation Subcommittee, Honorable Chris Holden – WPRA supports the approval of the SR-710 North Study Bill, AB 287, with modifications
WPRA supports nomination of the Rose Bowl Stadium for Driehaus Preservation Award WPRA supports the nomination of the Rose Bowl Stadium for a Driehaus Preservation Award from the National Trust for Historic Preservation
WPRA expresses concerns about donor recognition using signage for Rose Bowl and Area H To the Mayor and the City Manager addressing concerns about donor recognition using signage for Rose Bowl Drive and renaming Area H
WPRA requests that City Council public comments immediately follow staff presentation about YWCA/Kimpton project Regarding the YWCA/Kimpton project, the WPRA requests that public comments immediately follow any staff presentation, and precede significant comments or questions by the City Council, as well as any applicant presentation
WPRA opposes the preferred YWCA/Kimpton Hotel alternative 2A WPRA states that the preferred YWCA/Kimpton Hotel Project Alternative 2A cannot be evaluated without knowing the reasons why the hotel has to be the size it is
WPRA wants PUSD to oppose the SR-710 Tunnel alternative The WPRA asks that PUSD reconsider its position to abstain from voting on the Five Star Coalition’s resolution to oppose the SR-710 Tunnel alternative
WPRA states the Arroyo Seco Music and Arts Festival DEIR is deficient WPRA comments on Arroyo Seco Music and Arts Festival DEIR, stating it is deficient and does not provide for monitored and enforced mitigation
WPRA supports Connected Cities and Communities’ goals about opposing the SR-710 tunnel WPRA supports the Connected Cities and Communities’ (C3) purpose and goal to develop an alternative to the proposed SR-710 tunnel
WPRA insists that the Metro Board remove the tunnel as an alternative After reviewing the DEIR, WPRA insists that the Metro Board remove the tunnel as an alternative
To Metro Board – WPRA requests the elimination of the SR-710 Tunnel Alternative To Board Los Angeles Metro Transportation Authority – WPRA requests the elimination of the Tunnel Alternative from the SR-710 North Study environmental process
WPRA urges Council to accept Planning Commission’s recommendations for density expansion WPRA urges City Council to accept the Planning Commission’s recommendations for reasonable density expansions rather than the recommendations in the Final EIR of Pasadena’s General Plan Land Use Element
To Garrett Damrath – WPRA comments on SR-710 DEIR To Garrett Damrath, Chief Environmental Planner at LA Dept. of Transportation – WPRA comments on the SR-710 Draft Environmental Impact Report
WPRA comments on proposed Rose Bowl Music & Arts Festival EIR WPRA comments on the proposed Rose Bowl Music & Arts Festival EIR and adds recommendations
WPRA urges the Mayor and Council to fight the SR-710 freeway tunnel alternative WPRA urges the Mayor and City Council to continue fighting the SR-710 freeway tunnel alternative proposed by Metro and Caltrans
WPRA opposes Council’s vote for Desiderio Park restroom WPRA opposed the City Council’s 4 to 3 vote to include a restroom for the Desiderio Park
WPRA recommends modification of transportation metrics WPRA documents its concerns and recommendations regarding proposed modification of transportation metrics
WPRA supports recommendations by neighborhood organizations for Rose Bowl Music Festival EIR WPRA urges recommendations, by partner neighborhood organizations as well, for the Rose Bowl Music Festival EIR
WPRA supports the Planning Commission’s recommendation, keep Desiderio park passive WPRA supports the Planning Commission’s recommendation on the DEIR to keep the Desiderio park area for local families and passive
WPRA opposes San Rafael Elementary School being declared surplus – do not close WPRA opposes San Rafael Elementary School being declared surplus and the Board of Education should reconsider alternatives to closing the last remaining public school in West Pasadena
WPRA opposes LA County Flood Control District’s plan to clean Devil’s Gate Dam To Los Angeles County Flood Control District – the WPRA opposes the LA County Flood Control District’s crash plan to clean out Devil’s Gate Dam
WPRA advises Council about Devil’s Gate Dam sediment removal To Mayor Bill Bogaard - WPRA proposes recommendations to the City Council about the sediment removal at the Devil’s Gate Dam
WPRA supports the designation of So. Grand-Covington Place as a landmark district WPRA tells City Council that it supports the designation of So Grand-Covington Place as a landmark district
WPRA wants City staff to plan for a SR-710 review using WPRA questions WPRA requests that City Council have city staff prepare a plan for a thorough SR-710 DEIR review with added questions from WPRA
WPRA promotes creating a Landmark District for So. Grand-Covington Place WPRA promotes creating a Landmark District for the South Grand-Covington Place area
WPRA supports Ave. 64 Coalition for improved road safety WPRA Support for Avenue 64 Coalition’s efforts to improve safety along Avenue 64
WPRA tells Metro SR-710 must not be part of Measure R WPRA contacts Metro Board stating: SR-710 North must not be included in the Measure R Acceleration Financing Plan
WPRA proposes recommendations for Arroyo archery range for Roving Archers WPRA proposes recommendations regarding use of the Lower Arroyo archery range for the Roving Archers
WPRA writes Metro opposing SR-710 tunnel alternative WPRA writes Metro to oppose the SR710 extension tunnel alternative
WPRA requests information about La Loma Bridge construction project WPRA request for public comments and information regarding the Arroyo Seco Pedestrian Bridge construction project (La Loma Bridge, now the John Van de Kamp Bridge)
WPRA wants Council to postpone voting on new agreement with Roving Archers WPRA request the City Council postpone voting on the proposal for the Lower Arroyo Archery Range with its new agreement with Pasadena Roving Archers
WPRA supports Muir HS proposed sports field improvements WPRA supports the proposed multi-use sports field improvement project for the Muir High School campus as part of the Fiscal 2014 Capital Improvement Program.
WPRA contacts Azusa City Council about SR-710 freeway extension WPRA contacts Azusa City Council with negative facts about the SR-710 freeway extension
WPRA protests waste of transportation funds for freeway tunnel option WPRA is concerned about continued waste of transportation money in studying and promoting the freeway tunnel option
Steve Madison organizes public forum for SR-710 freeway project Steve Madison organizes public forum to discuss 710 freeway project with community & METRO
WPRA thanks Council for helping residents with SR-710 studies WPRA thanks City Council for working with residents in conjunction with the SR-710 studies
WPRA takes issue with DEIR for NFL’s Rose Bowl use To the Planning Dept. - WPRA take issue with the Draft Environmental Impact Report about the NFL’s temporary use
WPRA presses LA Dept. of Public Works for sustainable sediment removal To LA Dept. of Public Works – WPRA presses for a sustainable sediment removal strategy
WPRA opposes all SR 710 routes through Pasadena WPRA opposes any consideration of the SR-710 alternatives routed through the San Rafael area of southwest Pasadena, whether they be surface or subsurface.
WPRA questions San Rafael geology finding about closing school WPRA questions whether the geology finding supports PUSD’s position to close San Rafael Elementary
WPRA responds to NFL’s use of Rose Bowl and Stadium Renovation DEIR WPRA’s response to: (1) the NFL temporarily using the Rose Bowl while a permanent stadium is built. (2) the Rose Bowl Stadium Renovation Project Draft Environmental Impact Report
WPRA presses Rec & Parks Commission to follow Arroyo Master Plan about Roving Archers WPRA presses Rec & Parks Commission to follow the Lower Arroyo Master Plan safety guidelines with respect to the Roving Archers
WPRA urges PUSD remove San Rafael School from closure list WPRA urges PUSD to remove San Rafael School from the closure list
WPRA opposes All Saint’s Church expansion WPRA presses City Council as it opposes All Saint’s Church’s expansion in the Civic Center
WPRA asks Planning Dept. approve RBOC’s request for CUP WPRA asks Planning Dept. approve the Rose Bowl Operating Company’s request for a conditional use permit